The incompetent tin foil hat advocate and DEMOCRAT that's in charge of the Northwest Indiana Patriots not only took time to call Congressman-elect Stutzman from IN-03 (mind you, this isn't even a bordering district). In her e-mail to whoever the heck reads her 2nd grade-grammar filled memos (besides me, obviously), Jones not only bragged about making a fool out of herself, but she illustrated her foolishness by attacking the Republican National Committee.
Here's why it's foolish.
Faith Jones actively and publicly supported Democrats and, at every turn, tried to undermine Republicans. Now, I've got my gripes with the RNC, but I can say with total confidence that the RNC did more to elect CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS than Faith Jones and her tin foil hatters.
Of course, there are cowardly lions out there who will defend Faith Jones with cowardly lion like attacks on me. But those attacks aren't a defense of Jones; they are, not surprisingly, an attempt to ignore the topic at hand and blow smoke in everyone's faces... something right out of the Democrat Playbook.
I'm sure soon-to-be-former Commissioner Harper is pleased at how well he trained you all.
Faith Jones, who was denied access to the Indiana Republican Convention a few months ago because she votes in Democrat primaries, has absolutely no business telling conservative Republicans from other Congressional Districts which meaningless orientation they ought to be attending.
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